Project Description
2Dtronics is focused on selected aspects of fundamental solid-state physics and magnetism, which may support the main concept of spintronics: efficient control of the spin state and its utilization on equal footing with quasiparticle charge. In principle, we focus on such subfields of spin electronics as spin-orbitronics, magnonics, and antiferromagnetic spintronics, where the symmetries and topological properties of the systems play an essential role. We wish to focus on novel materials that may serve as a platform for phenomena where the topological nature of quasiparticle states plays an essential role and which allow for a variety of spin-to-charge interconversion phenomena. We wish to combine altogether the spin and valley degrees of freedom with the symmetries and topological properties of the system to describe and propose phenomena that enable us to work out new protocols for electronic and logic devices. Additionally, we want to study the presence of some emergent phenomena in low dimensional quantum magnetic systems, like magnon Bose-Einestein condensation and spin superfluidity, which are important from both academic and application points of view. Another important question that we address in this proposal is the effect of many-body interactions in low dimensional magnetic quantum materials. In principle, we intend to focus on theoretical models that reveal:
- topological invariant or topological charge,
- non-zero Berry curvature dipole,
- desired symmetry properties,
- experimentally tunable parameters.
- How to modify the topological properties of 2D systems by external fields and forces?
- How to exploit emergent phenomena observed in 2D crystals and interfaces in the new generation of spintronic devices?
- How to describe recently discussed non-linear effects in quantum materials (non-linear system response, non-linear interactions)?
- How to achieve the low-dissipation and long-range spin transport and possibility of supermagnonics phenomena in novel low-dimensional magnetic systems?
- How important are many-body effects in these low-dimensional quantum materials?
Realization period: 2020-2023 Budget: 1 365 326 EUR
WORK PACKAGE A: Theory of Electronic and Spin Transport in Quantum Materials. Role of Symmetry, External Fields and System Geometry
In the Work Package A, we address issues related to electronic and spin-dependent transport properties in 2D systems, potentially attractive for the new generation of spintronics, such as 2D graphene-like crystals, new van der Waals heterostructures, topological insulators, or Weyl semimetals. We focus on topological aspects of spin-dependent transport in magnetic and nonmagnetic systems, and possible ways of modification of topological properties of the system by external fields and forces. TASK WPA1: Examination of model Hamiltonians describing topologically-nontrivial electronic states in selected 2D quantum materials for possible manipulation of quasi-particles degrees of freedom by external fields TASK WPA2: Theoretical description of non-linear phenomena induced by the topologically nontrivial band structure in selected 2D systems TASK WPA3: Transport through hybrid structures consisted of Quantum Materials. Role of symmetry, external fields, and geometry TASK WPA4: Calculation of magneto-optical effects which may be used as a powerful tool to examine the structure and symmetry-related phenomena in magnetic materials
WORK PACKAGE B: Magnonics and Spin Transport in Magnetically Ordered Systems
Within the tasks of Work Package B (WP-B), we aim to study linear and non-linear magneto-optical effects, such as Faraday and Kerr rotations, magnetic linear dichroism as well as the second harmonic generation. These effects are basic tools for probing the magnetic, electronic, and crystallographic properties of magnetic materials. Importantly, the magnetic linear dichroism is sensitive to the square of magnetization and might also be used to probe the magnetic structure of AFMs TASK WPB1: Calculation of the magnetoresistance of 1D DWs and 2D skyrmions in metallic AFMsystems TASK WPB2: Micromagnetic simulation of magnon BEC in AFM systems. Investigation of stability of BEC phase. Finding equations of motion for magnon superfluids TASK WPB3: Developing a theory for magnon-plasmon hybridization and application of that in ultrafast spin-current generation and spin pumping TASK WPB4: Unified theory of transport mediated by quasiparticles with topologically non-trivial energy dispersions
Department of Mesoscopic Physics, Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Prof. UAM dr hab. Anna Dyrdał (PI, Leader of the AMU node)
Dr. Stefan Stagraczynski
Dr. Amir Nasser Zarezad
MSc. Anna Krzyzewska
MSc. Zahra Rahimi
MSc. Mir Ali Jafari
Department of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Dr. Alireza Qaiumzadeh (Leader of the NTNU node)
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