Ongoing projects
- Critical phenomena and transport in correlated hybrid nanostructures
- NCN Opus 23
Funded by National Science Centre Poland.
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Finished projects
- Chmura Kondo w molekułach magnetycznych sprzężonych z nadprzewodnikiem
- NCN Preludium 20
Funded by National Science Centre Poland.
- Współoddziaływanie kwazicząstek Majorany z magnetyzmem w sztucznych molekułach
- NCN Preludium 20
Funded by National Science Centre Poland.
- Spin and charge transport in low-dimensional
novel quantum materials (2Dtronics)
Funded by Norwegian Financial Mechanism.
More about this project - Theoretical study of the magnetoresistance phenomena in 2D structures with strong spin-orbit interaction
- NCN Sonata 14
Funded by National Science Centre Poland.
More about this project - Spin-dependent thermoelectric effects in hybrid nanoscopic systems
- NCN Sonata 14 (P.T.)
Funded by National Science Centre Poland.
More about this project