Finished projects

Spin related thermoelectric phenomena in transport through nanoscale systems
Funded by National Science Centre.
More about this project
Transport ładunku i spinu w dwuwymiarowych układach z oddziaływaniem spin-orbita
NCN Preludium
Funded by Narodowe Centrum Nauki.
Efekty spinowe w transporcie przez hybrydowe układy kropek kwantowych i molekuł
Grant "Iuventus Plus" (edycja 2011)
Funded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Spin effects in transport through magnetic nanostructures in the Kondo regime (SPINKOND)
Marie Curie Reintegration Grant
Funded by FP7-PEOPLE.
Nanoscale spin torque devices for spin electronics (NANOSPIN)
Joint Project under the Framework of Polish-Swiss Research Programme
Funded by Swiss Contribution.
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