Publications by Stefan Krompiewski
- I. Weymann, M. Zwierzycki, S. Krompiewski
Spectral properties of a Co-decorated quasi-two-dimensional GaSe layer
Phys. Rev. B 102, 075309 (2020) - I. Weymann, M. Zwierzycki, S. Krompiewski
Spectral properties and the Kondo effect of cobalt adatoms on silicene
Phys. Rev. B 96, 115452 (2017) - I. Weymann, S. Krompiewski
Effect of the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction on the tunnel magnetoresistance in graphenelike nanoflakes
Phys. Rev. B 94, 235441 (2016) - I. Weymann, J. Barnaś, S. Krompiewski
Transport through graphenelike flakes with intrinsic spin-orbit interactions
Phys. Rev. B 92, 045427 (2015) - I. Weymann, J. Barnaś, S. Krompiewski
Manifestation of the shape and edge effects in spin-resolved transport through graphene quantum dots
Phys. Rev. B 85, 205306 (2012) - I. Weymann, S. Krompiewski, J. Barnaś
Spin-dependent transport through graphene quantum dots
J. Nanosc. Nanotech. 12, 7525 (2012) - I. Weymann, S. Krompiewski, J. Barnaś
Transport through Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Weakly Coupled to External Leads
Acta Phys. Pol. A 115, 296 (2009) - I. Weymann, J. Barnaś, S. Krompiewski
Transport through single-wall metallic carbon nanotubes in the cotunneling regime
Phys. Rev. B 78, 035422 (2008) - J. Barnaś, I. Weymann, P. Trocha, S. Krompiewski, V. K. Dugaev
Charge and spin transport through artificial atoms and molecules
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 104, 012016 (2008) - I. Weymann, J. Barnaś, S. Krompiewski
Theory of shot noise in single-walled metallic carbon nanotubes weakly coupled to nonmagnetic and ferromagnetic leads
Phys. Rev. B 76, 155408 (2007) - S. Krompiewski, V. K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś
Resonant decoherence due to electron-electron interactions in carbon nanotubes
Phys. Rev. B 75, 195422 (2007) - J. Barnaś, V. K. Dugaev, S. Krompiewski, J. Martinek, W. Rudziński, R. Świrkowicz, I. Weymann, M. Wilczyński
Spin related effects in magnetic mesoscopic systems
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 236, 246 (2003) - S. Krompiewski, J. Martinek, J. Barnaś
Interference effects in electronic transport through metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes
Phys. Rev. B 66, 073412 (2002)