Publications by Józef Barnaś
- V. K. Dugaev, P. Bruno, J. Barnaś
Localization effects in magnetic structures with spin-orbit interaction
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. -3, 461 (2002) - J. Martinek, J. Barnaś, K. Mae, H. Schoeller, G. Schön
Spin accumualation and cotunneling effects in ferromagnetic single-electron transistors
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 240, 143 (2002) - G. Palasantzas, J. Th. M. Hosson, J. Barnaś
Surface/interface roughness effects on magneto-electrical properties of thin films
Surf. Sci. 507, 541 (2002) - J. Barnaś, J. Martinek, R. Świrkowicz, M. Wilczyński, W. Rudziński
Electron tunneling through metallic particles and quantum dots connected to ferromagnetic leads
Czech. J. Phys. 52, 329 (2002) - R. Świrkowicz, J. Barnaś, M. Wilczyński
Electron tunneling in a double ferromagnetic junction with a magnetic dot as a spacer
J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 14, 2011 (2002) - V. K. Dugaev, J. Barnaś
Large enhancement of the electron-electron interaction constant in magnetic layered structures
Physica E 12, 391 (2002) - V. K. Dugaev, P. Bruno, J. Barnaś
Weak localization in ferromagnets with spin-orbit interaction
Phys. Rev. B 64, 144423 (2001) - W. Rudziński, J. Barnaś
Tunnel magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic junctions: Tunneling through a single discrete level
Phys. Rev. B 64, 085318 (2001) - G. Palasantzas, Y. Zhao, G. Wang, T. Lu, J. Barnaś, J. Th. M. Hosson
Electrical conductivity and thin-film growth dynamics
Phys. Rev. B 61, 11109 (2000) - J. Barnaś, J. Martinek, G. Michałek, B. R. Bułka, A. Fert
Spin effects in ferromagnetic single-electron transistors
Phys. Rev. B 62, 12363 (2000) - B. R. Bułka, J. Martinek, G. Michałek, J. Barnaś
Shot noise in ferromagnetic single-electron tunneling devices
Phys. Rev. B 60, 12246 (1999) - J. Barnaś, A. Fert
Magnetoresistance Oscillations due to Charging Effects in Double Ferromagnetic Tunnel Junctions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1058 (1998) - F. G. Aliev, E. Kunnen, K. Temst, K. Mae, G. Verbanck, J. Barnaś, V. V. Moshchalkov, Y. Bruynseraede
Periodic Enhancement of the Electron-Electron Interactions and the Magnetoresistance in Magnetic Co/(Cr/Ag)/Co Multilayers
Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 134 (1997) - G. Palasantzas, J. Barnaś
Surface-roughness fractality effects in electrical conductivity of single metallic and semiconducting films
Phys. Rev. B 56, 7726 (1997) - J. Barnaś, O. Baksalary, A. Fert
Angular dependence of giant magnetoresistance in magnetic multilayers
Phys. Rev. B 56, 6079 (1997)