Finished projects

Current fluctuations and interference effects in transport through hybrid triangular quantum dot systems
NCN Preludium 15
Funded by National Science Centre Poland.
Majorana fermions in transport through correlated nanoscale systems
NCN Opus 15
Funded by National Science Centre Poland.
More about this project
Nonequilibrium phenomena and dynamics in nanoscale systems
NCN Opus 14
Funded by National Science Centre Poland.
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Nierównowagowa polaryzacja spinowa indukowana oddziaływaniem spin-orbita
Grant 'Iuventus Plus' (edycja 2014)
Funded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Efekty spinowe w transporcie przez pojedyncze magnetyczne molekuły z poprzeczną anizotropią magnetyczną
Grant 'Iuventus Plus' (edycja 2014)
Funded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.